It’s great to start the New Year with some good news, and this really is good news both for our clients, and the industry as a whole. The government has finally passed the Weights and Measures (Specified Quantities) (Unwrapped Bread and Intoxicating Liquor) Order 2011, which means that wine can be served (and charged for) in measures under 125ml.
This opens up a whole world of possibilities for the on-trade, from creating a special marketing buzz about being able to try iconic wines in an affordable way, to offering tailored wine flights and wine matching dinners without having to serve 125ml with each course! The opportunity to sell wines in new and exciting ways is just the boost the industry needed during these difficult times.
For too long this outdated law meant that restaurateurs and other on trade establishments were restricted in the volumes of wine they could sell, and therefore their flexibility to offer smaller measures for tasting purposes was non-existent. In effect, their hands were tied.
This law change is a victory for common sense, and is a responsible decision. It allows the on-trade to offer their customers something new and exciting. The chance to try a wine which they would not otherwise get to experience is definitely one of the main reasons why this law change will be so welcome to so many wine drinkers.
All By The Glass (UK) Ltd’s customers will now be able to legally sell measures which are below 125ml to create an additional income opportunity during service and we are sure this will lead to even more great wines being tasted via our systems throughout the country.
With 3 separate portion settings for each bottle, a By The Glass® wine dispensing and preservation system is the perfect system to help you take advantage of this law change.